Thursday, March 17, 2011

No chicken parm in Italy?

Typically, most Americans would agree that the United States is culturally diverse.  Whether it is the people, clothing, language, or food, we have a wide variety from different countries around the world.  There are Chinese restaurants, Mexican ‘Taco Bells’, and Italian pizza shops at almost every corner. Although this might make America seem authentic, that is not always the case.  Most food we call “ Chinese, Mexican, and Italian”  have actually become very Americanized throughout the years.  

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to travel around the world, you would realize that in most countries, the food is very different from what we would expect. 

Sam, a junior from a suburban New York State school, thinks of “Spaghetti and Meatballs” when the word Italian comes to his mind “ I think that most Americans are un-educated about other cultures, so they do not know what types of unique foods other countries contain”

Matt, another junior, also agreed that “ We Americanize most Italian foods, so we don't really know what they actually eat over there”

Freshman Nicole however, had recently traveled to Italy, and was surprised to see that they eat other foods besides pizza, and chicken parmesan.

"When I looked at the menu, I was looking for some chicken parmesan, my favorite 'Italian' food, but I had never even heard of most of the dishes. There was a lot of seafood, which was unexpected” Nicole said.

Living in America may seem like you’ve had a taste of most parts of the world, but in reality, every country has their own unique taste, that can not be replicated. This blog will show exotic dishes from all parts if the world, that you may not see on your every day lunch break.


  1. great video! i have actually made this before, and it didnt turn out very well, i slightly overcooked it. I will have to try it again and use your recipe, i never knew they ate it on the streets in italy..great blog! cant wait for some more posts!

  2. this is very true! we have americanized just about everything, and we really do not know what kinds of foods there are out there!
