Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chapulines- Mexican Grasshopper

If you look at this picture, and think it looks gross, you might want to just give it a try.  Grasshoppers, also known as chapulines, are very popular in Mexico, and are usu served in tacos.  They have a very crunchy texture and are also extremely nutritious, famous for their source of high protein. Chapulines are sometimes sold in the streets of Mexican markets.  The grasshoppers are collected from fields at night wrge nets and are then soaked in water. After this, there are many ways that they can be prepared. Some are sun dried, and others are boiled, fried, baked, or even eaten raw.  Raw chapulines can be dangerous however, because they may contain parasites. Click the link below to try this delicious snack. -Danielle


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would never eat a raw chapuline, no matter how nutritious it is.
